Knowledge and change on the agenda at the seminar in Oslo

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HivNorway together with HIV-Nordic arranged the seminar “Knowledge about HIV in the Nordic countries” on the 1st of September 2023 in Oslo, Norway.

After a brief introduction and welcome, representatives from the Nordic countries presented findings from their respective countries. The audience at the venue learned about the work with the Stigma Index in Finland, a recent survey of healthcare personnel in Denmark and of surveys and successful interventions in Sweden, among other bits. From Norway, a study of aging with HIV was presented by Arne Gronningsater from FAFO, an independent social science research foundation.

The presentations, and how to use new knowledge to drive change was then discussed in a panel. Present in the panel were also representatives from the city of Oslo and officials from the public health agency.

HIV-Nordic continues to push for more action to increase knowledge about HIV and living with HIV among key populations and the public, as well as ensuring attitudes and behaviors follow suit. Its imperative that we link action to research, and in a context of limited resources push for interventions resulting in change and better quality of life for people living with HIV.

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