HIV-Nordic endorsement: Targeting inequities in the face of HIV, TB and viral hepatitis in Europe
HIV-Nordic, together with 39 other European based organizations, endorse the joint statement put together by The European Health Policy Platform Thematic Network on HIV, TB, viral hepatitis and STIs. With the endorsement, HIV-Nordic emphasize that the work to address inequalities, discrimination, stigma and access to treatment needs renewed attention in the Nordics as well as the whole European continent.
Excerpt describing the European Health Policy Platform Thematic Network on HIV, TB, viral hepatitis and STI:
“Led in collaboration with the EU Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and TB, which brings together over 60 partner organisations working with these conditions, the EUHPP Thematic Network aims to facilitate the participation of non-governmental organisations, including those representing people living with HIV/AIDS, in policy development and implementation, and in information exchange.
Our Joint Statement draws attention to gaps in meeting the needs of people living with or most affected by HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis in the EU and the European region and provides examples of, and recommendations for, good practices in standards of care (including cross-border care) and in tackling the stigma and discrimination faced by various key populations.”
Read the full statement here:
Full list of endorsing organizations