Networking and “The Nordic HIV Experience” in Copenhagen
HIV-Nordic gathered in Copenhagen during the weekend 26th – 28th of April. Representatives from all the Nordic member organizations started the weekend with a study visit at Aidsfondet in Copenhagen. At Aidsfondet we were introduced and given a presentation to Checkpoint, a service point providing testing for HIV/STI´s and counseling.
Saturdays focus was on The Nordic HIV Experience, a hybrid event for personal reflections on living with HIV in the Nordic countries, with an emphasis on empowerment, resilience and sharing experiences.
The event took place at Aidsfondets office, with people joining both online and in person. The format was a debate panel with people living with HIV, where the first half was dedicated to challenges living with HIV and the final half sharing stories and experiences in thriving with HIV.
The board also spent considerable time and effort to discuss current news, trends and issues relating to HIV in the Nordics. Next meeting is set to take place in Sweden late september and a large part of the board will also meet at the Aidsconference in Munich in July later this year.